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How is the role of the coldfusion in making of the transfering files?

The service “FTP” refers to the standard internet protocol - “File Transfer Protocol”. It is used to transfer files from one server to another server. To do this, the software of “FTP client” is used. This is a piece of software, which helps in file transfer to one to another computer.


On the destination computer, it is necessary to install on the FTP server. This server allows the transfer of the FTP files. Once FTP files have been installed, other connected users will be able to access the data files and transfer them.


There are many famous FTP client software like - cuteFTP, WSFTP, FileZilla etc. ColdFusion framework also gives you the independence to make your own FTP client. If an application programmer has already FTP client, then there is no need to develop a new FTP client.


There are many types of tasks which can not be performed by the FTP program -

run on a scheduled task to perform on routine basis.

having a content management system.

access of files is restricted to perform certain functions.


List the contents of a directory -


GetFile - copies the file from FTP file to a local machine.

PutFile - copies the file from the local machine to FTP server.

remove file - removes/deletes a file on the FTP server.

rename file - renames the file on the FTP server.


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The service “FTP” refers to the standard internet protocol - “File Transfer Protocol”. It is used to transfer files from one server to another server. To do this, the software of “FTP client” is used. This is a piece of software, which helps in file transfer to one to another computer.

On the destination computer, it is necessary to install on the FTP server. This server allows the transfer of the FTP files. Once FTP files have been installed, other connected users will be able to access the data files and transfer them.

There are many famous FTP client software like - cuteFTP, WSFTP, FileZilla etc. ColdFusion framework also gives you the independence to make your own FTP client. If an application programmer has already FTP client, then there is no need to develop a new FTP client.

There are many types of tasks which can not be performed by the FTP program -

run on a scheduled task to perform on routine basis.

having a content management system.

access of files is restricted to perform certain functions.

List the contents of a directory -