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What is the difference b/w codelgniter versus laravel matrimonial scripts?

As one of the best server side scripting languages, PHP is one of the best languages among all the companies. The biggest benefit of PHP is that it let provides a user stay on the key programming concepts and provides the high scalability. There are two frameworks like - Laravel and Codeigniter of PHP which have tremendous benefits to make applications.

Let’s discuss some of the basic differences between both of these platforms -

  • Codeigniter is a platform which is full of library functions. It provides all the functionalities of work within less period of time. Laravel has bundles which implements the functionality into the application.

  • Codeigniter framework is a platform which is based on the MVC framework. Laravel is a framework where it lets you coordinate development with the latest features of language like - namespace, overloading, array syntax.

  • Codeigniter framework is necessary for a web application to ensure its popularity and scalability where Laravel framework is necessary for the multiple backend cache problems.

  • Laravel provides the serial documentation of each and every coding functionality, so that each and every coder can work very extensively. Codeigniter framework has very easy processes so that even the geek developer can work on it.

  • Laravel has the inbuilt documentation features wherever codeigniter framework has no inbuilt authentication features.

  • Both the codeigniter and laravel framework support PHP language and HTML embedment which is useful for web and mobile development both.

  • Laravel supports the unit testing feature by its inbuilt modules. Codeigniter has no inbuilt testing modules.

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